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Our First Profile Page is Released

​Today is a big day for us here at Driverless Ratings. Today we are releasing our very first profile page.

We have committed to making the reviews and ratings of everyday users central to this site. With that goal in mind, we committed early on to making sure that we had a sufficient number of reviews before releasing any cumulative ratings. 

We are still in the very early days of this project. We want to thank each and every reader and especially those who have submitted a review. As you will see on the Tesla page, these reviews are a central focus of the page overall. Yes, you can find information and news regarding Tesla on here, but most importantly you can see everyday experiences with these vehicles.

We have not edited any of the reviews. As long as they followed our Community Guidelines each review is posted as we receive it.

We are of the strong opinion that the best information on these vehicles will not come from professional publications with a fixed setting and a hand-selected vehicle. We think it is the drivers on the roads across the world who are able to most accurately and reliably assess the vehicles. 

Progress on driverless cars is moving quickly but we are just in the beginning. We thank you for your support of this project up to this point and are grateful for all future readers and reviewers of the driverless vehicles which will have a profound impact on all of our lives. 

Please check out the Tesla profile page driverlessratings.com/tesla, and let us know your thoughts and suggestions below.

On behalf of the DriverlessRatings team, enjoy the content and thanks for your support!


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