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REVIEW: Tesla's Autopilot v1 vs v2

A driver in the Netherlands gives his opinion on the strengths and weaknesses of v1 vs. v2.

We recently received a review that discusses some of the benefits, as well as the drawbacks, from Version 1 of Tesla's Autopilot to Version 2. As the reviewer mentions, from v1 to v2, Tesla ended it's partnership with Israeli technology company, Mobileye. This caused numerous changes - some of which the reviewer thought were an improvement, some he thought were a step backwards.

The reviewer's vehicle driven is a 2017 Model X and the review is based on multiple trips taken in the Netherlands since the middle of 2017. 

First off, here are the reviewer's overall ratings:

How Safe I Felt: 4 Stars 
Reliability: 4 Stars 
Ease of Use: 4.5 Stars 
I'd Recommend this Car to Family or Friends: 5 Stars 
Overall Experience: 4 Stars 

This review gets particularly interesting when we asked the reviewer to list the problems he encountered:

- auto lane changing sometimes does not recognize 'the dotted line' and the refuses to change lanes. - auto lane changing is often a bit abrupt when starting to steer towards the other lane. For passengers it feels like I'm uncertain of what I'm doing. I guess this could easily be improved by adjusting the signals towards the steering motor. - I found myself to trust it very soon. Forgetting that it is a supporting feature and does not see trafficlights and other exceptions. Yet.

He then elaborated in his overall review:

Tesla's Autopilot is great, but certainly not perfect. I have driven AP v2 (my model X has AP2) and for one week AP v1 in a loaner. AP1 is better for sure. It feels more confident of itself and is very smooth so MobileEye did a good job. Tesla had to redesign the AI for the new hardware of AP2 and is simply not up to par with AP1 yet. It does a good job for ACC , however it still overtakes on the right on highways when no traffic is in front of you (which is not allowed here in Europe), where AP1 does not. AP2 is great in traffic jams. It won't ask you to hold the wheel while at low speeds. It also does a good job when other cars try to sqeeze in infront of you; better than the ACC in my Volvo XC60 (my2010). I appreciate AP best on highways. On 80 km/u roads is sometimes feels a tiny bit 'drunk', depending on weather conditions. I must admit that sometimes I find myself driving an thinking "why is AP driving to close to the edge?" soon discovering that AP is not engaded but only ACC. My conclusion is that Tesla's AP still has a long way to go, but that I became to trust on it unconsiously. It already warned me twice on time for a potential collision, where my human capabilities just failed. Sure, you should always be in control. Yes, it might suprise you when it suddenly goes full speed when leaving the highway and crosses intersections with the traffic light being red. But that is a matter of time.

Please share below your thoughts on Autopilot v1 vs. Autopilot v2. Do you agree with the driver's assessment of both systems?

Also, check out some of our other recent reviews:

Image credit: Tesla Motors


Michael Vanderblaak - 7 years ago

Could be a real problem if the autolane changer doesn't recognize the dotted line. I wonder why that is and does anyone know if Tesla themselves know about this?
